Isaac Mitchell is the talented artist behind the 2017 Small Business Saturday limited edition print. Each year Leucadia 101 Main Street works with a new local artist to develop a collectible image to give to shoppers who support our independent business on event day. Mitchell’s 2017 image features Leucadia’s towering cypress tree seen about town on our treasured sidewalk stamps, orange California poppies that spring up in our medians every year and a gaggle of bike riders enjoying our bustling business district on historic N. Coast Highway 101.
Always eager for a project that will give back to the community, Isaac developed the art work for the much acclaimed 2017 Summer Fun on the 101 event poster and the 2017 LeucadiART Walk re-brand. His original work of art ‘Floral Brine’ hung on a Highway 101 lamp post as part of the 2017 Arts Alive Program.
Take a moment to appreciate the subtle details in the 2018 work of art below and read on to learn more about the artist who created it.
Isaac Mitchell’s Artist Statement:
While my first breaths were of Leucadia’s coastal breeze, I shortly thereafter moved to Maine. Unbeknownst to me, I was drawn back to my birth town, despite taking 20 some odd years to return. In the time that had passed, I found myself compelled by art and drawn to a search for beautiful sights. I’ve pursued this search for beauty, both in my education at art school in Boston, and in my three years of traveling. By land or by sea, I have created or consumed art in 40 countries, while building a visual bank of inspiration, that I now reflect in my work. Through a series of coincidences, I found myself back, in Leucadia, settled into the roots that have always been here. I now surf and work with local business in the north county area. I am thrilled to be working with the town that I happily call home!On Small Business Saturday I’ll be getting a bowl of soup from Birdseye Kitchen and taking a look at Surfy Surfy’s board wall. OwlHouseCreative.Com To be in touch with Isaac or learn more about his design agency visit: