Leucadia has always been home to world renowned shapers. That’s why we’re so stoked to be partnering with Bing Surfboards to bring you “Art of the Surfboard” at this year’s LeucadiART Walk and Bing's flagship store located at 802 N. Coast Hwy 101. Read on for all the details on this exciting interactive community tribute to our surf roots.
Scott Bass of the Board Room will be on hand to guide attendees through the evolution of a surfboard, talking story and answering all your shaping related questions. Come learn the history of shaping and all the ins and outs of how a board goes from blank to wave-catching machine.
Marissa Quinn and Jeff Meyer, celebrated board artists from Leucadia will be live painting as part of the interactive exhibit. Come watch two boards come to life before your eyes! One board is shaped by Matt Calvani of Bing Surfboards and the other by Ryan Sakal of Aryse Surfboards, both Leucadia residents. Both boards are up for raffle for $5 at Bing.
Leucadians with photos, objects, swag, t-shirts, logos, stickers and tools from our board building roots are encouraged to bring their artifacts to the interactive photo booth at Bing Surfboards during LeucadiART Walk between 10 am and 5pm. We’ll photograph you with your favorite boards, Stonesteps contest shirts, see the tools of our board building past and hear about anything else that plays a part in our funky off-beat past.
Come browse the images of other artifacts to see what is unearthed. All the photos and stories will be compiled into a community art project! Come tell your stories of yore and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.
Leucadia local and world renowned artist, Andy Davis, will be live painting a surf-inspired mural that captures surfing’s artistic side on the south wall of Bing’s building!