We sat down with lead singer and San Dieguito Academy alum Brooks Dierker to learn more about The Ha, one of this year’s LeucadiART Walk headliners.
L101: How did The Ha come to be?
The HA!: We’re a long way from our humble beginnings of garage jams. We've been lucky enough to play places like Levi's Stadium and the Belly Up Tavern. The HA started out like all great bands; too much alcohol, not enough musical talent and the neighbors waiting just long enough to call the cops. Over the past few years, bandmates have come and gone, sometimes just for a gig but that's been part of who we are as the “human assembly”; celebrating the gathering of friends new and old. Last week, we had Santana’s longtime congo player show up 10 minutes before a big headlining gig and we all just went with it. I think spontaneity has a lot to do with our success.
Tell us about the mobile stage you built?
The mobile stage idea came from wanting to play shows on our own terms. We were tired of getting pushed around by sleazy venues and we wanted a platform to host our Party With Purpose events; parties we throw to benefit local organizations through fundraisers, raffles or food drives.
You grew up in Leucadia. What was that like for you as a kid?
I was pretty much raised at the beach and in the water between Beacons and Grandview. As a kid, bike rides to Paul Ecke or Pacific View, bear claws and apple fritters at Tom’s Donut Shoppe and burritos from Karina’s was my life growing up. It's my happy place.
What inspires you about your hometown?
There's a special quality to a lot of people from Leucadia and Encinitas in general. Maybe it's the SRF vibes seeping into the water, maybe it's the 'keep Leucadia funky’ mentality, but whatever it is, it makes for a beautiful community. It’s the kind of place you see in the movies but it’s real; people know your name and look out for each other. That’s the essence of what I want The HA band to be about. We're looking forward to being a part of the LeucadiArt Walk!!
Follow The HA on Instagram at @the_ha_band and at www.thehamusic.com.